online courses online courses for staff and students in digital, technology, creative and business skills. is an online skills development service offering an extensive library of high quality video courses in digital, technology, creative and business skills. The University has recently procured a three-year campus-wide licence for use by staff and students.
Entitlement is available for University staff and students.
Useful Courses
1. Student Tools Training and Tutorials
Student Tools – Online Courses, Classes, Training, Tutorials on Lynda
Find exactly what you want to learn from how-to videos about Student Tools, taught by industry experts.
Students must know how to use tools like Excel and Word, be comfortable on both Mac and Windows, and effectively manage their projects and time in order to succeed academically and in their future careers. Get a head start here and get the digital skillset you need to support your studies.
2. Higher Education Training and Tutorials
Higher Education – Online Courses, Classes, Training, Tutorials on Lynda
Find exactly what you want to learn from hundreds of how-to videos about Higher Education, taught by industry experts.
Our higher education training shows professors, school administrators, and students how to make the most of technology in the classroom at a college level. Learn how to use systems like Moodle, Canvas, and Desire2Learn to run your online classroom; leverage technology like iPads; and even create ebooks.